Title | Phone Number |
5280 Magazine (Denver) | 866-271-5280 |
Acoustic Guitar | 800-827-6837 |
ADDitude | 888-762-8475 |
Adirondack Life | 800-877-5530 |
AFAR | 888-403-9001 |
Affordable Housing Finance | 888-269-8410 |
Air Classics | 800-562-9182 |
Air Conditioning Heating & Refrigeration News | 800-685-4152 |
Alpinist | 888-424-5857 |
Alternative Medicine | 877-904-7951 |
American Farmhouse Style | 844-330-6373 |
American Fly Fishing | 844-251-2652 |
American Handgunner | 866-820-4045 |
American Journal of Nursing | 800-638-3030 |
American Prospect | 202-753-0937 |
American Rider | 763-383-4400 |
American Road | 877-285-5434 |
American Scientist | 800-282-0444 |
American Scientist - Digital | 800-282-0444 |
American Scientist - Print + Digital | 800-282-0444 |
Angels on Earth | 800-932-2145 |
Anglers Journal | 800-877-5207 |
Archaeology | 877-275-9782 |
Architectural Digest | 800-365-8032 |
Architectural Record | 866-501-7541 |
Army Times | 800-408-0030 |
Art in America | 800-925-8059 |
Artforum | 212-764-6812 |
Artist's Magazine | 800-333-0444 |
Ask | 800-821-0115 |
Aspire Design and Home | 845-534-6110 |
Astronomy | 800-533-6644 |
At Home in Arkansas | 818-286-3115 |
Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles | 800-264-2456 |
Atlanta Magazine | 800-930-3019 |
Aviation Week & Space Technology | 800-525-5003 |
Babybug | 800-827-0227 |
Bake From Scratch | 888-647-7304 |
Baltimore Magazine | 800-365-2808 |
Bank Note Reporter | 866-700-2973 |
Barely Legal (Hustler's - no DVD) | 800-345-7413 |
Baseball America | 800-845-2726 |
Bassmaster | 1-877-BASS-USA |
Beckett Baseball | 800-764-6278 |
Beckett Basketball | 800-764-6278 |
Beckett Football | 800-840-3137 |
Beckett Hockey | 800-840-3137 |
Bethesda | 301-718-7787 |
Biblical Archaeology Review | 800-678-5555 |
Billboard | 800-684-1873 |
Bills Digest | 800-932-4557 |
Bills Digest - Digital | 800-932-4557 |
Birds & Blooms | 800-344-6913 |
Blue Ridge Country | 800-877-6026 |
BOAT International US Edition | 866-213-4676 |
Bon Appetit | 800-765-9419 |
Boston Magazine | 800-333-2003 |
Boxoffice Pro - Print + Digital | 800-877-5207 |
Bridal Guide | 818-286-3128 |
Britain Magazine | +44 (0)1858 438878 |
California Home & Design | 818-286-3177 |
Cattleman | 800-242-7820 |
Catwatch | 800-829-8893 |
Channel Guide Magazine | 888-899-9992 |
Charlotte Magazine | 877-248-9624 |
Cheri | 800-877-5386 |
Chess Life Kids | 800-903-8723 |
Chicago | 800-999-0879 |
Chickadee | 800-551-6957 |
Chirp | 800-551-6957 |
Christian Century | 800-208-4097 |
Cincinnati Magazine | 866-660-6247 |
Classic Car Round-up | 304-884-6887 |
Classic Toy Trains | 877-243-4903 |
Classic Trains | 877-243-4904 |
Cleveland | 800-453-1009 |
Click | 800-827-0227 |
Closer | 888-271-9877 |
Cobblestone | 800-821-0115 |
Coin World Monthly | 800-253-4555 |
Coin World Weekly | 800-253-4555 |
COINage | 844-330-6373 |
Coinage - Digital | 844-330-6373 |
Collectible Automobile | 800-777-5582 |
Collector's Crosswords | 386-246-0114 |
Colorado Expression | 303-662-5200 |
Commentary | 212-891-1400 |
Communication Arts | 800-688-1971 |
Conde Nast Traveler | 800-777-0700 |
Consumer Reports | 800-333-0663 |
Cook's Country | 800-526-8442 |
Cook's Illustrated | 800-526-8447 |
Cottage Journal | 888-393-6246 |
Cottages & Bungalows | 800-762-6278 |
Cowboys & Indians | 800-982-5370 |
Craft Beer & Brewing - Print + Digital | 888-875-8708 |
Crain's Chicago Business | 877-812-1590 |
Cricket | 800-821-0115 |
Cross Country Skier (2 yr) | 715-798-5500 |
Cryptograms Special | 866-967-3386 |
Cuisine at Home | 800-311-3995 |
Culture: the word on cheese | 866-318-7863 |
Curious Jane | 347-770-0420 |
Current World Archaeology | 877-275-9782 |
Daily Word | 800-248-6489 |
Daily Word Spanish (La Palabra Diaria) | 800-248-6489 |
Dance Magazine | 800-331-1750 |
Delaware Today | 888-597-0159 |
Delight Gluten-Free | 800-305-6964 |
Dell Logic Problems | 800-888-6644 |
Dell's Easy Fast 'N' Fun Crosswords | 203-866-6688 |
Detroit Design | 866-660-6247 x1 |
Diesel World | 866-368-5651 |
Dirt Bike | 800-767-0345 |
Discover | 800-829-9132 |
Discover Britain | 01858 438834 |
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education | 800-475-9596 |
Dogwatch | 800-829-5574 |
Dolphin Digest | 800-932-4557 |
Dolphin Digest - Digital | 800-932-4557 |
Down East | 800-727-7422 |
DownBeat | 800-554-7470 |
Dupont Registry of Fine Autos | 800-233-1731 |
Dwell | 415-373-5100 |
Easyriders | 877-717-8930 |
EcoParent | 705-874-9147 |
Elle | 800-876-8775 |
Elle Decor | 800-274-4687 |
Engineering News Record (ENR) | 844-652-8994 |
Entrepreneur | 800-274-6229 |
Environmental Nutrition | 800-829-5384 |
Esquire | 800-888-5400 |
Essence | 800-274-9398 |
Family Handyman | 800-285-4961 |
Fast Company | 800-542-6029 |
Fine Homebuilding | 800-283-7252 |
Fine Woodworking | 866-452-5141 |
FineScale Modeler | 877-246-4847 |
Firearm News | 800-345-6923 |
Firehouse | 800-825-8577 |
Flight Journal | 800-479-5849 |
Florida Design | 561-659-0210 |
Florida Design - Naples Edition | 800-308-7346 |
Florida Sport Fishing | 877-227-9617 |
Florida Sportsman | 800-274-6386 |
Florida Trend - FL subscribers | 800-829-9103 |
Florida Trend - Outside FL | 800-829-9103 |
Flower Magazine | 877-400-3074 |
Fly Fisherman | 800-829-3340 |
Fly Tyer | 800-397-8159 |
Focus on Healthy Aging | 800-829-9406 |
Forbes | 800-888-9896 |
Fortune | 800-621-8000 |
Frederic Magazine | 877-316-1923 |
Free Inquiry | 772-429-1401 |
F-Series Builder's Guide | 800-764-6278 |
Furniture Today | 800-395-2329 |
Galerie | 844-378-3731 |
Girls Life | 888-999-3222 |
Global Traveler | 267 364 5811 |
Globe | 800-513-9186 |
Gluten Free & More | 800-999-9718 |
Golf | 800-876-7726 |
Golf Digest | 800-727-4653 |
GQ - Gentlemen's Quarterly | 800-289-9330 |
Guideposts | 800-932-2145 |
Guitar World | 800-456-6441 |
Gun Dog | 800-800-7724 |
Guns | 760-975-3831 |
Guns & Ammo | 800-800-2666 |
Harvard Business Review | 800-274-3214 |
Harvard Health Letter | 877-649-9457 |
Harvard Heart Letter | 877-649-9457 |
Harvard Men's Health Watch | 877-649-9457 |
Hawaii | 949-855-8822 |
Healthy Years | 866-343-1812 |
Heart Advisor | 800-829-2506 |
Hemmings Motor News | 800-227-4373 x79550 |
High Country News | 970-527-4898 |
High Society | 800-877-5386 |
Highlights | 888-372-6433 |
Highlights Hello | 888-372-6433 |
Highlights High Five | 888-372-6433 |
Highlights High Five Billingue | 888-372-6433 |
Hinduism Today | 808-822-3012 |
Hobby Farms | 844-330-6373 |
Home Accents Today | 800-333-2052 |
Home Shop Machinist | 1–800–447–7367 |
Horn Book Magazine | 800-325-1170 |
Horse & Rider | 877-717-8928 |
Horse Illustrated | 844-330-6373 |
Horticulture | 800-234-2415 |
Hot Rod | 800-800-4681 |
Hour Detroit | 248-588-1851 |
Houstonia - Print + Digital (TX only) | 888-270-3004 |
Hudson Valley | 800-289-4862 |
Humor Times | 916-758-8255 |
Humor Times - Digital | 916-758-8255 |
Humor Times - Print + Digital | 916-758-8255 |
Humpty Dumpty | 800-829-5579 |
Hunting | 800-800-4246 |
Hustler (no DVD) | 800-566-5760 |
In Touch | 800-340-8959 |
INC | 800-234-0999 |
Indianapolis Monthly | 317-237-9288 |
Interior Design | 800-900-0804 |
Iowa Outdoors | 800-361-8072 |
Jack & Jill | 800-829-5579 |
Jets Confidential | 800-932-4557 |
Jets Confidential - Digital | 800-932-4557 |
Jewish Press (NY, NJ, CT) | 718-330-1100 x111 |
Jupiter Magazine | 772-429-1401 |
Kiplinger Retirement Report | 800-544-0155 |
Kiplinger's Personal Finance | 800-544-0155 |
Kovels Antique Trader | 877-300-0247 |
Ladybug | 800-827-0227 |
Leather Crafters & Saddlers Journal | 888-289-6409 |
Life & Style Weekly | 800-228-4957 |
LILIPOH | 610-917-0792 |
Links Magazine | 847-504-8897 |
Log & Timber Home Living | 800-234-8496 |
Louisiana Life | 877-221-3512 x 251 |
Luxe Interiors & Design | 800-723-6052 |
Main Line Today | 888-600-3770 |
Maine Home + Design | 877-885-6344 |
Make: (Technology on Your Time) | 866-289-8847 |
Marine Corps Gazette | 866-622-1775 |
MaryJanes Farm | 888-750-6004 |
Massachusetts Wildlife | 508-792-7270 |
Maxim | 800-829-5572 |
Mayo Clinic Health Letter | 800-291-1128 |
McCall's Quilting | 800-944-0736 |
Memphis Magazine | 901-521-9000 |
Message Magazine | 800-456-3991 |
Michigan BLUE | 866-660-6247 |
Microwave Journal | 978-671-0449 |
Midwest Home | 866-660-6247 |
Military Heritage | 800-219-1187 |
Milwaukee | 800-662-4818 |
Mind Mood & Memory | 866-848-2412 |
Minnesota Monthly | 888-350-0962 |
Missouri Life | 800-492-2593 |
Modern Dog Magazine (2 yr term) | 800-417-6289 |
Moment Magazine | 800-777-1005 |
Montana Outdoors | 406-495-3257 |
Montana The Magazine of Western History | 800-243-9900 |
Mornings with Jesus | 800-431-2344 |
Mother Jones | 800-438-6656 |
Motocross Action | 661-295-1910 |
Motor Trend | 800-800-6848 |
Mountain Bike Action | 661-295-1910 |
Mountain Living | 303-662-5250 |
MovieMaker | 855-881-5861 |
Muse | 800-821-0115 |
National Enquirer | 877-212-1942 |
National Examiner | 800-513-9189 |
National Parks | 800-628-7275 |
National Review | 800-464-5526 |
Natural History | 800-234-5252 |
Natural Solutions | 877-904-7951 |
New England Home | 800-765-1225 |
New Mexico Magazine | 800-898-6639 |
New Republic | 800-827-1289 |
New York Magazine (NY NJ CT) | 800-678-0900 |
New York Magazine (Outside NY NJ CT) | 800-678-0900 |
New York Review of Books | 800 354-0050 |
New Yorker | 800-825-2510 |
NewBeauty | 800-563-9056 |
Newsweek | 800-631-1040 |
Niner Report | 800-932-4557 |
Niner Report - Digital | 800-932-4557 |
North American Review | 319-273-6455 |
Numismatic News | 866-700-2979 |
Nursing 2024 | 800-638-3030 |
Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! | 800-638-3030 |
Nuts & Volts - Digital | 800-783-4624 |
Nuts & Volts - Print + Digital | 800-783-4624 |
Ocean Navigator | 619-313-4321 |
Ohio Magazine | 800-426-4624 |
Old Cars Weekly | 877-300-0243 |
Old House Journal | 800-234-3797 |
Orlando Magazine | 800-216-3738 |
Otaku USA | 800-219-1187 |
Out | 212-920-2844 |
Owl | 800-551-6957 |
OYLA Magazine | 814-300-8043 |
Passagemaker | 800-925-8683 |
Pastel Journal | 386-246-3368 |
PC Gamer | 800-898-7159 |
Philadelphia Magazine | 800-777-1003 |
Phoenix Magazine | 866-481-6970 |
Poetry | 800-327-6976 |
Popular Woodworking | 800-888-6880 |
Portland Monthly - Print + Digital (OR only) | 888-262-0269 |
Practical Horseman | 877-717-8929 |
Professional Mariner | 619-313-4322 |
Progressive Farmer | 800-292-2340 |
Publishers Weekly | 800-278-2991 |
Quality Number Fill-Ins | 1-386-246-0114 |
Quick + Easy Quilts | 800-829-0426 |
Quiltmaker | 800-388-7023 |
Racer X Illustrated | 877-684-0080 |
Radio Control Car Action | 800-877-5169 |
Ranger Rick | 800-611-1599 |
Ranger Rick Jr. | 800-822-9919 |
Readers Digest | 800-635-5006 |
Readers Digest - Large Print | 877-732-4438 |
Reason | 888-732-7668 |
Recoil | 888-681-7064 |
Recoil Offgrid | 800-873-7896 |
RECOIL Presents: Concealment | 888-681-7064 |
Remind | 877-580-4146 |
Revolver | 877-687-4277 |
Rider | 763-383-4492 |
Rifle Shooter | 800-627-7975 |
Robb Report | 800-947-7472 |
San Diego Magazine | 888-350-0963 |
Saturday Evening Post | 800-829-5576 |
School Arts | 800-533-2847 |
Science News | 800-552-4412 |
Science News Explores | 855-478-5081 |
Scientific American | 800-333-1199 |
Scotland | 800-925-8215 |
Scout Life | 866-584-6589 |
Scuba Diving | 800-666-0016 |
Sea Classics | 800-562-9182 |
Seattle Magazine | 800-637-0334 |
Seattle Met - Print + Digital (WA only) | 888-267-6110 |
SERVO | 800-783-4624 |
SERVO - Digital | 800-783-4624 |
Shortex | 410-828-6555 |
Silver & Black Illustrated | 800-932-4557 |
Silver & Black Illustrated - Digital | 800-932-4557 |
Skeptical Inquirer | 800-634-1610 |
Slam | 800-333-6411 |
Smithsonian | 800-766-2149 |
Snow Goer | 763-383-4492 |
Snow Tech | 320-763-5411 |
Soccer 360 Magazine | 877-710-4858 |
Sonoma Magazine | 855-850-0991 |
Soundings | 800-244-8845 |
Southern Boating | 954-522-5515 |
Southern Home | 800-274-4004 |
Southern Lady | 800-777-1101 |
Southwest Art | 855-842-5267 |
SPATE Magazine | 917-582-6049 |
Spider | 800-827-0227 |
Sports Afield | 714-373-4910 |
St Anthony Messenger | 866-543-6870 |
St Charles Herald Guide - Print + Digital | 800-538-4355 |
Steelers Digest | 866-470-0394 |
Stereophile | 800-666-3746 |
Street Trucks | 800-764-6278 |
STRINGS | 800-827-6837 |
Stuart Magazine | 772-429-1401 |
Success Magazine | 800-570-6414 |
Success Magazine - Digital | 800-570-6414 |
Superb Crosswords Jumbo | 386-246-0114 |
Swank | 800-876-5577 |
Take a Break Puzzles | 800-946-5349 |
Taste of Home | 800-344-6913 |
Taste of the South | 877-817-4410 |
Team Roping Journal | 866-343-1801 |
TeaTime | 800-284-0023 |
Texas Fish & Game | 281-869-5511 |
Texas Highways | 800-839-4997 |
Texas Monthly | 800-759-2000 |
Texas Parks & Wildlife | 800-937-9393 |
The Beer Connoisseur - Premium Web + Annual Print | (888) 414-0681 |
The Command Post | 800-932-4557 |
The Command Post - Digital | 800-932-4557 |
The English Garden | (800) 998-0807 |
The English Home | 866-926-0260 |
The Giant Insider | 800-932-4557 |
The Giant Insider - Digital | 800-932-4557 |
The Hockey News | 888-470-6087 |
The Hollywood Reporter | 866-525-2150 |
The Hunt | 302-656-1809 |
The Local Palate | 800-607-4410 |
The Nation | 800-333-8536 |
The Week | 877-245-8151 |
The Week - Print + Digital | 877-245-8151 |
The Week Junior | 800-444-7792 |
The Wolverine | 800-421-7751 |
Threads | 866-288-4241 |
Time | 800-843-8463 |
Town & Country | 800-289-8696 |
Trail Rider | 207-583-5485 |
Trains | 866-926-1494 |
Trapper & Predator Caller | 877-300-0251 |
TREAD | 800-764-6278 |
Tropical Fish Hobbyist | 888-859-9034 |
Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter | 800-274-7581 |
TV Guide | 800-866-1400 |
Ukulele | 800-827-6837 |
Unique Homes | 800-827-0660 |
US Catholic | 800-328-6515 |
US Weekly | 800-283-3956 |
Utah Life | 800-777-6159 |
Vanity Fair | 800-365-0635 |
Variety | 212-832-5147 |
Vermont Magazine | 802-375-1366 |
Vibrant Life | 800-456-3991 |
Victoria | 877-675-5361 |
Vintage Motorsport | 877-425-4103 |
Virginia Wildlife | 800-710-9369 |
Vital Speeches of the Day | 800-506-8733 |
Vogue | 800-234-2347 |
Washington Monthly | 855-492-1648 |
Washington Times National Weekly Edition | 800-277-8500 |
Washingtonian | 202-331-0715 |
Watercolor Artist | 800-811-9834 |
Westchester Home | 800-254-2213 |
Westchester Magazine | 800-254-2213 |
Western Horseman | 800-877-5278 |
Wildfowl | 800-250-1524 |
Wildsam | 800-825-6861 |
Wine Enthusiast | 800-829-5901 |
Wine Spectator | 800-752-7799 |
Wired | 800-769-4733 |
Wisconsin Natural Resources | 800-678-9472 |
Woman's World | 800-216-6981 |
Wooden Boat | 800-877-5284 |
Woodsmith | 800-333-5075 |
Writers Digest | 800-888-6880 |
Young Rider | 844-330-6373 |