About Auto Laundry News Magazine: Of all the Publications covering the car care industry, Auto Laundry News has the longest history. Since 1953, the magazine has offered industry news and information to operators of conveyorized car washes (both full-service and exterior only), self serve car washes and in-bay automatics. Other car-care services covered include auto detailing and fast lube. Content ranges from technical information to 'how-to' articles, new-product announcements, facility profiles, and, through the course of the year, analyses of five industry-segment surveys. Auto Laundry News appears monthly. In addition, there is an annual Buyers Guide, a comprehensive, user-friendly buyer's guide to the car care industry. The Buyers Guide features over 1,000 entries for car wash, detail, and fast-lube product and equipment manufacturers and distributors. Used daily by car wash operators, detailers and fast lube operators, the Buyers Guide is the industry standard and is the source book that people look to when they are ready to buy. - Renewal subscriptions available.