Electronics - 4 Magazines
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Stereophile - Digital | |
Your Price $19.99
Every month Stereophile magazine offers authoritative reviews, informed recommendations, helpful advice, and controversial opinions, all stemming from the revolutionary idea that audio components should be judged on how they reproduce music. More Details
Stereophile | |
Your Price $20.00
As the ultimate guide for high-performance audio components, STEREOPHILE contains in-depth reports on 'high-end' loudspeakers, amplifiers, CD players, turntables and other audio components, examining how these products will sound in purchasers' homes... More Details
Make: (Technology on Your Time) | |
Your Price $34.95
As the leading voice of the maker movement, Make: publishes projects, skill-building tutorials, in-depth reviews and inspirational stories, accessible by all ages and skill ranges. Each issue includes dozens of projects that you can do covering Robo... More Details
Electronic Design | |
Your Price $73.00
Presents complete coverage of the industry from emerging technologies to large-scale trends. In Electronic Design's Techview sections, technology editors present the latest news and products in each industry: Analog & Power, Digital, EDA, Communicati... More Details
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